Quezon City Mission

Monday, September 1, 2014
Well here in the Philippines, Christmas starts in the "BER" months, so there you go, I'm not going crazy.
This week was a lot harder than before, because Elder Cox got transferred, and I am with a new Elder, fresh from the MTC, Elder Montecillo, he is Filipino, from Cebu. So last week we had the orientation, and we got paired off with our new companions. I was so anxious the whole day, waiting to see who would be my companion. Elder Nebeker was also there, and it was so cool to catch up with him, we have hardly seen eachother in the mission, it stinks! I got paired up with Elder Montecillo, and he is a funny guy haha. He is really excited to work, and his favorite thing to say is "LET'S ROCK!!!" ... it never gets old.... ha
We had a really cool experience, Elder Montecillo is not afraid to give out baptismal dates, we're taught to give it out after the first lesson, so he just goes for it, sometimes it doesn't really flow, but you gotta love the guy's faith, it's awesome. So our first night, we just get back from a day long meeting, and go to an appointment, and we taught a guy named Nikko, and he is 17, and his girlfriend is a member from another stake. He had gone to church a few times as well, and is really interested. We had just a great lesson with him, he is really smart, so he just grasps things a lot faster, and he accepted a baptismal date from Elder Montecillo, and after the lesson, he was walking super slow, and was in shock that he just gave out his first ever baptismal date, and that Nikko accepted. He was talking to himself or something ha, but he was pumped ("LET'S ROCK!) and kept saying "wow, Elder, that just happened" really softly and in a marveled kind of way, haha, it was awesome.
We were able to get a lot of work done this week, quite a lot of lessons, and we found some really good people. The investigators that Elder Cox and I found are progressing, and they are so close to being able to be baptized, they just have to go to church. We visited basically everyone, and they all said they had been reading, and were going to go to church, but then, sunday came around, and only one came, Nikko. It was such a buzz kill, I was pretty disappointed. But, next week, I think they are all going to come.
We were asked to give talks on sunday, and Elder Montecillo was really nervous, he stayed up all night and woke up a little early to finalize it, I am really used to giving talks, (it is always about missionary work) so I wasn't too worried. We get to church, and the bishop asked us to fill up most of the time and he would just say some concluding remarks, so Elder Montecillo goes up, and gives his talk and after 5 minutes starts bearing his testimony, wrapping it up. The 1st counselor looked at me and was laughing cause I would have to fill so much time up. OH! and the funnies part was Elder Montecillo pumped his fist saying he was excited to be here haha.
So Then he closed and Bishop just said, 'Well, I'll speak a little longer I guess, but try to fill it" and So I spoke, but it went really really well. I just used my notes and followed the spirit. I had always wanted to do that, just have some notes and go by the spirit, and so I figured the mission is the best place to practice, and it went great.
The funny thing was Bishop asked us to teach the combined class, again about missionary work, so that was fun, but everything went really well.
This ward is super close to having some baptisms, We have some great investigators, it's all about helping them get to church, and really seeing how important this gospel is in their lives, and living the gospel. When they live it, they will better be able to see how much it can bless them.
We have this investigator, Yvettte, I was really frustrated with her when I first went, I just wanted to drop her right away, but Elder Cox was really calm about it, and that kind of made me more frustrated. We went to her a few more times, her husband is a cool guy, reading and stuff, but I don't know, she is kind of holding him back. She refuses to pray with us, we have taught about prayer like 3 times, one lesson I was on splits with an AP here and it was crazy insane with the spirit, and then she still wouldn't pray. What's worse is she won't even tell us why. She has an illness or she's sick or something, and then yesterday I figured out why.
They said they were going to church, but then they texted last minute saying she was sick, and we stopped by, It was pretty crazy. I don't know if I have ever seen someone in that much pain. We shared about the priesthood and gave her a blessing and she was just whimpering the whole time. Seeing her in that much pain made me realize even more how much I don't understand the atonement. It was really powerful to see that, even though I just felt so bad for her. But I know that she will be able to see the power of the priesthood and more fully understand the atonement, I really believe that.
Thank you everyone for all of your birthday wishes, it means so much to me. I was kind of homesick today, but it really lifted my spirit getting all those wonderful notes from you, thank you so much!
-Elder Rock
Monday, August 25, 2014
End of Transfer, What!?
Where did time go!!!??
Where did time go!!!??
I seriously cannot believe how fast this transfer went, and it is a little sad, cause me and elder Cox will not be together this next one. I'm pretty bummed, but this next transfer is going to be a good one, I can feel it. At the same time though, I am pretty nervous.
We had a great week this week, I'll just start with my favorite part. We have been teaching this family, and the mom and kids have come to church but the father has work on Sundays, so he hasn't come yet. They have been reading the Book of Mormon, sometimes, it isn't very consistent, so we stopped by one day, and just focused on prayer and gaining an answer through prayer. We share how Enos Prayed for an entire day, and read some verses, and then asked how their prayers were going, and specifically how they asked. I think that was the best question, because they never asked a simple question, they would say "Hopefully you will let me know" or "give us a sign" or stuff like that, but, they said they knew that it would come through feelings. So we taught them to pray, and just ask "is the Book of Mormon true" and then just wait for an answer. They said they would, but also knew that they needed to read it more. So we ended and invited the mom to pray, and we kneeled and I asked her to ask in her pray. I wasn't expecting her to wait or anything, but after the prayer, she just sat there, and everyone was just quiet, and the spirit just filled the room. After about 5 minutes, we asked her how she felt, and she explained how good she felt, and how it is true. It was so cool. The whole time I was just praying for her to recognize the spirit in the room, but to be honest it was hard to miss.
That was so awesome, and Elder Cox realized how important prayer is. He said that throughout his mission he focused on just reading, and of course prayer too, but not as much, but that really is the most critical part. You can read it and just read a really awesome story and have nothing really happen from it, or when you read it with the intent of knowing if it is true, you totally can.
Yesterday in district meeting we did something really cool, we shared something that we learned from the transfer, and we had 2 districts combined because of lack of rooms, so it was about 14 missionaries together, and we all shared things we learned, and it was so cool to hear everyone's experiences. One thing a lot of people talked about was patience. My patience is tried seriously every week, just with people, or random little things. I think my patience has grown a lot more, but it is still definitely something that I am going to continue to work on.
I wrote down a list of stuff while I was thinking, and one thing I really noticed that I learned this transfer was how people just don't know what they are missing without the gospel. It is pretty heartbreaking sometimes, to just look around and see everyone that doesn't have such peace and joy coming from the gospel, and how some people really claim to be religious here, or claim a religion I should say, and have no idea what they believe or even just where they came from, why they are here, and where they are going.
And again, I learned how important the ward is in doing missionary work. Seriously missionaries need the ward members to start getting involved. To talk to more people and invite more people. "Members are full time finders, members are full time teachers"!!!
Hope everyone has a great week, I know I will!
Sunday, August 17, 2014
This transfer is going by so fast, this next week is the last week
and then it is going to be transfer announcements again! We will see how things
go! Time is flying!
This last week was a bit slower workwise, not a whole lot happened, but we
did get to meet some new people and have good plans on meeting with them next
week. Our lessons this week were just a bit lower than the past, and it was kind
of frustrating, but we have some really good progressing investigators, so it
was great to be able to focus more on them.
I think my highlight of the week was being able to go on exchanges with the
missionaries from the MTC. They send the foreigners out when they are at 4 weeks
to work with us for a couple hours, I just think that is a huge benefit for
them. I was put with one elder, so it was just the two of us, some
companionships had 1 elder, so it was cool being just two, but the MTC teacher
tagged along last minute, but still cool. I realized how weird it is that I know
a different language. We were just in the lesson and the guy next to me has no
idea what they are saying, and I'm just like, what do you mean, they are
speaking clear as day! haha, but he was actually pretty good at speaking, and
new some good words, I was impressed. But the gift of tongues is real. I know
there is no way that I could get this language without it. People will literally
ask us how many years we have been here, and when I say 10 months, they are
shocked, when Elder cox says 2 years they are like, 'oh, that's why'... so the
coolness factor drops, which is so lame. They have been studying english since
they were little and still can't. But anyway, it was a huge testimony to me of
how great the ways of the Lord are.
The other thing I liked was how pumped up and new all the missionaries
were. They were so excited, and their clothes were all new and crisp, they
looked SO YOUNG. I thought one kid looked exactly like Sam Walker. I asked Elder
Cox if I look like that and he said yeah hahaha, but seriously it is crazy how
much trust is put in us. I just loved seeing their enthusiasm, and made me think
that being a missionary becomes a routine, and I don't like that, because it
really is so special.
The next cool thing was going on exchanges with the Training Assistant,
they don't have an area, they just go around everyday and work with
missionaries. So I worked with Elder Osores, and he is the man! Seriously it was
awesome. He takes teaching by the spirit to a whole other level, it was crazy.
We talked about forever, I really am going to try and teach like that. It made
me realize even more the power that comes with being a missionary. He was
literally able to discern, and it was pretty quick for him. It takes time to be
able to have that happen, but Missionaries are really able to get gifts of the
spirit much faster.
We heard from an RM this sunday, he just got back, and he talked about his
mission, and one thing he said that I really liked was how everyone has
resposibilities, no matter how big or small, they are given to us from the Lord,
and we need to magnify them. I wanted to add that we need to always see how we
can do better. It is so hard sometimes, but when we do honest self evaluations,
and don't lie to ourselves, we can see ways to improve. It is probably one of
the hardest things to do, because we seek comfortableness as people, it is what
we want, be being comfortable doesn't allow us to grow. So I need to do better
for sure, even with the language, I appreciated working with a Filipino so much,
more than I ever had.
Hope everyone has a great week!!!
-Elder Rock
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Kumusta po kayo sa inyo lahat!
First of all, Congratulations to Lauren for her wedding, so bummed that I
missed it! And also a late congratulations to Erin Chase for her wedding as
well! And Sol Sagiao! I missed so much these last few weeks, but it was so worth
it because this last week was AWESOME!
This week we had a lot of really good new investigators! We had about 4
people, that after we taught them they asked for a Book of Mormon, before we
even invited them to read it! It was awesome. It is basically telling us right
off the bat that they are going to read. We taught this one guy, James, and his
wife was not interested, but he really was, because his whole life, he never was
really religious or anything, he would go to church occasionally with his wife,
but I think that something really struck him with our message, and he was really
interested in the Book of Mormon.
We had another, they were way funny, I may have mentioned one of them last
week, but we met these people, and they are really good at English, and one of
them, a guy named Mac, he learned from rappers and so he talks like a
rapper/ghanster a lot, it is so funny. But he gave awesome insight in everything
that we taught, and his friend asked for a Book of Mormon to again read it and
find out more.
This happened so much to us, people we were contacting immediately asked
for it, and were really interested in finding out more about it. But perhaps the
coolest experience we had was with this guy named Tony. This was probably the
coolest thing that has happened to me on my mission.
So we were walking down the street on our way to contact someone we had
talked to a few days before, and we heard some music coming from this house, and
the guy was outside, so we went over to talk to him, and thought it would be
great because we both liked the music he was playing, so easy conversation
starter. And to be honest, me and Elder Cox really liked this song that was
playing (tender mercy). So, we talked to him, then he kind of went inside and we
were about to leave but I tried one more time to talk to him, and then we told
him we were missionaries.
He said he was waiting for us to tell him what we were and to share a
message with him!
We were so shocked, so we went in, learned a little more about him and his
family, and he mentioned he was Catholic and a little more. I felt I should ask
him a question, I'm not even too sure anymore what it was, but he really opened
up to us, and how at his work (a call center) all these co-workers of his were
going to this kind of new church that just opened up, and he was just so
confused about why there were so many churches, and at this time in his life, he
was really seeking guidance to what he should do, and that is why he wanted to
listen to us so bad. I was so excited, we hadn't even prayed yet! So we prayed,
and taught him about the restoration, and he totally got it, and had great
questions, and then at the end, the best thing happened. He told us that he
wants to read the Book of Mormon, and that he has tried reading the bible with
his family, that he really wants his family to be together and closer to learn
more about God, but he doesn't really get the bible, because there are so many
versions, and so he asked us if we could come back and teach him and his family,
so they could read the Book of Mormon together and he said 'if it wouldn't be
too much to ask' haha. I was just trying not to laugh at that, because I was so
excited to come back, I wanted to yell, YES.
He was so sincere about everything, and really wants to guide his family,
and be guided, and just told us he didn't know what to do, he didn't know what
was right. This strengthened my testimony so much that Heavenly Father really
does prepare people.
We also have been teaching a family, and the dad is a jeepney driver, and
hardly knows english, but his daughter is pretty good, so when we speak english,
he has no idea what is going on, and he keeps telling us he wants to learn, so
we taught him the word 'nevermind' and there is no real translation for that in
tagalog, so he doesn't get how to use it, so he will say nevermind and it will
make no sense haha. So one time he said it and it was so random EVERYONE was
dying lauging, and then in his prayer he said he was grateful for learning
english haha, so awesome.
Thank you for everything! I hope everyone has a great week!!!!
-Elder Rock
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Sunday, August 3, 2014
This week was way awesome!
We were planning on having a lot of investigators at church again, but the
family that we were planning on coming got sick, so they couldn't make it, and
so I was sitting there in church, we only had one investigator with us, and I
was just kind of bummed, cause no one else came that said they would. After the
sacrament though, in comes that 16 yr old, Joseph, the one from Nigeria! And he
was kind of shy cause he was late, but we called him over. He stayed, and the
other investigator couldn't, and he said he would like to go in with the other
youth, so he did. Then in gospel principles, there was this one guy who just
came to church because his girlfriend is a member, and invited him to go. But
she isn't in our ward, but he lives in our boundary! He is only 17, but looks
like he's in his 20's, and really smart, and asked the best questions! We got
all his info to go back and visit him.
We also had a great lesson with Joseph, and gave him a Book of Mormon, and
I seriously think he would be the kind of person to read a lot, I really hope
We are talking to SO many people, it is crazy, I seriously have no fear of
talking to people, it is a lot easier with a name badge on though ha. But we ran
into a lot of foreigners this week, most of them end up being priests or nuns,
but they are still way nice. We even talked to a french guy! And he gave us his
address and everything!!!! But the writing was pretty bad so we couldn't read
it, so we were kind of bummed, but you know what happened, we ran into a
different french guy the next day! Seriously what are the odds. He said he had
never heard of our church but he didn't believe in God, so he didn't want to
give us his address, which was kind of a bummer. I thought how sad that has got
to be, no belief in God, but maybe a seed is planted, and he will run into some
more missionaries. BUT, he was able to read the writing from the guy the day
before, so we still can give that as a referral, Blessings!
A sad/cool/weird thing was I could not remember french. It was so
frustrating! I knew Je meppell or however you spell it, but that was it, only
tagalog was popping into my brain. Not that I was ever that good at french, but
seriously, ugh. I really should've studied harder or tried to always remember it
One thing that I have seen a lot is people choosing religion because of
family. Like majority of people here are Catholic, so they are baptized as
babies, and everyone tells us, "I'm Catholic" but then they tell us they don't
go to church there, they don't really do anything, basta, they are Catholic...
But also, it is very common for people to be married, and one of them, usually
the girl, but sometimes the guy, will switch religions like it's nothing. This
is why conversion is so important. True conversion does not go away when a
better circumstance appears. True conversion is a process, and it takes prayer,
and studying the scriptures. Before being baptized, we have to meet
qualifications for baptism, we have to repent, and we have to understand that
baptism is a sacred promise with our Heavenly Father. We need to always be
striving to converting ourselves, to always examine how we can do better, and
better understand gospel principles. Changing religion for family, marriage, or
political reasons is not true conversion. Even if we have family that is of a
faith, and we are born into this faith, we should strive to become converted,
not just go through the motions. I read in Matthew 10:37, "He that loveth father
or mother more than me is not worthy of me..." We need to be converted to Christ
on our own, we cannot rely on other's testimony to carry us.
Another cool thing, is we downloaded a bunch of talks on mp3, just to
listen to, and they are so awesome. I am so grateful for modern apostles and
modern prophets in our day. I seriously learned something new from each talk,
even when I played it back a few times. We are so blessed to have this modern
revelation for us in these days.
I hope everyone has a great week!
-Elder Rock
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Hello Everyone!
This week was quite long, but really great. My first
sunday here we had only 1 investigator at church, and we didn't even focus on
him because we kind of knew he was going to come. But this last week we had 6
investigators at church, including a family minus the dad. But this week, the
dad is going to come! The ward is starting to see that we only have 2
missionaries here and that they are going to need to step it up, so that is
good. Again, members are key!
This week we taught Pipo, the man with all of the cars
(he let me ride in the audi r8!!!! he said I could drive it maybe sometime, but
I would be wayyyy to scared)
He let us come over and we shared with him and two of
his daughters. We came back another day to give them the English copies of The
Book of Mormon they requested. But as we talked to him, he is having a hard time
understanding the need for one church, one religion, because he truly does
believe in God. He even told me that if he was asked, he would give up
everything for him, but he feels he is a good person, and helps people, and he
is good. Writing this out kind of answers my question, but all week I have been
contemplating this. Especially coming from my other area, SOO many people would
just say that they only need a belief in God, and that's it. As I have been
thinking about it, I remembered two scriptures, one in D&C, about people
being kept from the truth because they know not where to find it, and the other
was in 2 Nephi 31. I really liked 2nd Nephi, it was way cool, and even though I
have read it a ton, I really got a lot from it again. Jesus Christ was baptized
even though he was perfect, so how much more need do we need! But it also
outlines the whole gospel. We need the Holy Ghost, and then we need to endure to
the end, and only after we do that we can enter into the kingdom of Heaven. We
really have to follow the plan God has given us, and it is such a bummer that
people rejected it and now it is changed! Ugh. Drives me
We had an awesome experience as well this week with a
boy named Joseph. He is 16 and from Nigeria. We have Trinity University in our
area and decided we definitely need to use it more, and we were talking to
people just outside and saw him. He is super nice, and we had him come to our
ward activity and he only speaks english, (way fun for us) but really had a good
time. He confided in me that he really missed his family, and gets super home
sick at night. I was thinking that what if we were an answer to his prayers. You
could just tell he was so happy being able to talk to people really clearly, and
having filipinos that were so nice to him, it was awesome. We didn't even bring
up going to church, but he asked what time it started and we were stoked, he is
planning on coming. It was such a miracle, and I am so thankful to be used by
Heavenly Father to answer the prayers of one of his children, and was such a
testimony to me that he does hear all of our prayers.
We have been talking to people like crazy, seriously,
we just start talking to anyone that walks by us, It is awesome! We have talked
to a lot of people, including a few priests that actually said it would be fine
for us to come over! That is actually something I have always wanted to do ha.
We also ran into some american-filipinos that are going to school here, and ate
lunch with them, that was awesome. It is so cool talking to people that speak
english. They had a lot of lds friends in high school, so it was cool how they
already had a background of the church! So neat. There were just so many cool
people we have been talking to, and Elder Cox and I have been playing a game
where we get to make eachother talk to someone, no matter what, once a day,
usually it is so awkward looking. Super fun, and usually all of them turn out to
be great! We just do stuff like that and make jokes with people, and they love
it and open up. I am having such high hopes for the area!
maybe a little spiritual insight this week is deciding
to do stuff now. A super common Filipino Phrase is "Pag may time" or when I have
time. Ugh so frustrating, because we aren't supposed to procrastinate the day of
our repentance haha! So I have noticed that if we really do love Heavenly
Father, we won't put things off, saying I have plans to get better at this or
that LATER, but really decide to do it now, and actually do it. Fun Fact I
learned, the amount of goals people accomplish is less than one, because they
don't even end up trying to do the goal they set! haha, So true. So decide to do
it, and stick to it!
Love you all!
-Elder Rock
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Good Morning!!
This week was one crazy week, but one of the best weeks ever. So, last week
I got the call that I would be transferring, but a little typhoon put a hold on
that. It wasn't really that big where I was, just some strong wind and rain like
none other for an hour, then it just felt like normal, raining all the time. We
were confined in an apartment with some other elders, and our electricity went
out pretty quickly, so that lead to pure boredom. Sleeping was also rough
without any electric fans, but it was all okay in the end. Transfer day was
canceled, and moved to the following day, where I met my new companion, Elder
Cox, my first American Companion, from Morgan, UT. He is 6'4, which means I am
just barely shorter than him, and I think skinnier than me.
We get along great, and I am learning so much from him, he has been out
almost 2 years now, I might be his last companion, but we will see, we don't
want to get our hopes up just to be let down. His Tagalog is great, so I am
learning so much from that, and I love being with good teachers so I can learn
from his teaching skills. I have learned so much, I am just so excited, I know
this is going to be one of the best transfers so far!
My area is so legit, I don't know why I didn't start with that. My last
area, Baesa, just gave me an awful impression of the city, but it is so sweet!
My area is like real city, and so cool. We have so much here, it is ridiculous.
I am sure Elder Cox is getting annoyed by all my comments of, Whoa another
mcdonald's, or whoa, another starbucks! My last area had none of that. We also
have a shakey's pizza, a Chili's, and Johnny Rocket's. The houses here are so
Huge, WAY bigger than back home. It's almost as if there is no middle class in
the Philippines, when you have money, you have LOTS of it. The middle class is
very small. The streets here are pretty clean, much cleaner than the last area,
and there are a lot more cars here.
Speaking of cars, We were walking down this street it wasn't even the
nicest street here, the houses weren't that great or anything, but we walk by
one and I see this yellow car through the bottom of the partly opened garage,
and I saw the bottom of a yellow car in this garage (first garage I have seen
too) and we kept walking then decided to walk back and ask to look at it. I was
pretty nervous to just go up and ask to look at this guy's car, but, we are
trying to find a lot of new investigators. We ask, and he's eating, but is so
nice and lets us come in and check out his LAMBORGHINI! And parked to the left
of it is his Red Ferarri.... He let us sit in the Lambo, and then he says he has
23 cars, and down the street are more, and he takes us down there. He has an
Audi R8, couple Porches, a nice old BMW, and a few others, but probably one of
the coolest days of my life. The coolest thing was this guy was one of the
nicest people I ever met, oh my gosh he was nice. So humble, and hopefully
everything works out that we can teach him. So Cool.
We are working
way hard here, and the only thing that is tough here is that our ward is less
than excited to get involved in missionary work, but I feel like I learned so
much from the last area that we will be able to turn the ward around. I am so
excited to get things moving here. I have been kind of sick the past few days,
and today, so that is quite annoying, but have been working through it, and will
get to rest today, hopefully I can heal up fast today.
This week I
have been thinking about the ward members, and something came to my mind,
something that our mission president wrote us a few weeks ago. He talked about
how are mission is improving, but even though we have see improvements, we can
still do so much better and listed some things that we can do. One was working
with the members, and he said if we are not working with the members, he invites
us to repent, and to work with them.
I was like,
WHOA! REPENT, but repent really does mean change, and we are to always repent,
or change. I think that members should take the same advice, and repent, or
CHANGE, and do more to work with the missionaries. I saw on sunday, that this
ward has very strong roots, the people have been here a while, and that is the
problem, they are too used to missionaries, to used to the church, and they
forget to constantly change. The Aposltes have been telling us for some time to
work with the missionaries and have really pushed it, and I read in D&C that
this is the 11th hour, and the field is white, already to harvest. I really know
that is true, I have seen it so much on my mission. I think there are some
things that members lack that I think we should think about.
1. The lack of
non member friends.
-This has been a common problem for me here
where some of the members have just gotten so close to their friends at church,
they don't really feel they have anyone that they can refer. I know that they,
and all of us have acquaintances, that are not members of the church, and it
takes a new perspective to notice those people. Just because we are not
constantly inviting people over to our house that are not members of the church,
we still have people we know that are not members. Neighbors are a great way to
share the gospel, And it just takes a little time to get to know our neighbors.
The problem that comes up is Fear.
2. Fear.
-Fear is the opposite of FAITH. When we have
fear, it is saying that we do not have faith. We need to increase our faith, and
trust in the Lord. As I have been reading D&C, the Lord constantly corrects
people for caring too much about what other people think, caring too much for
things of the world. We need to trust in His promise, and not be afraid to open
our mouths, especially because we know this is true, and we know that everyone
can know it is true. The fear that we ultimately have is rejection. We all fear
failure and rejection, no one likes to feel it. But when we share the gospel and
they don't accept our message, it should not mean that our relationship with our
neighbor is over, we should continue to be friends with them, and mention church
in our everyday life. We cannot fail when we are doing the Lord's work, and when
we act in faith, we will not feel disappointed that we were told no, but happy
that we tried, and got over our fear to share the gospel.
3. Deadlines
-We need to get the sense of urgency into
our heads. We need to give ourselves a deadline, one that we pray about and
agree upon with the Lord, and feel 100% committed to that deadline. If we do, we
will always look for opportunities to share, and the Lord will help us,
guaranteed. If we are constantly saying, oh next time, oh tomorrow, we will
never end up sharing. Set a deadline with the Lord and hold yourself accountable
if you do not do what you said.
4. Get to know the missionaries, they will
-Many members just see missionaries, and
pass them by. I know, because this happens to me. I love it when people get to
know me, ask about my family. What is even better is when they ask about how to
share. I have had this happen 2 times on my mission and was so excited, more
excited than getting a sweet dinner appointment. You could really please the
missionaries by having a sweet meal appointment, and then asking how to share
the gospel to your friends, discuss your plans with them, read Preach My Gospel and share things that
you are learning, and ask them questions on things that you don't understand, or
want to work on. I know they
will look at you in disbelief, and become your best friends haha. I know they
will help you in everything.
I know this work is true and it is time for
members to get involved. Do not wait anymore. The missionaries are there to help
you, so let them help you!
I love you all and thank you for all of your
help and support! Thank you for everything!
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Monday, July 14, 2014
Hello Everyone!
So we had a really sweet zone training meeting, and I just got really
pumped from that, and to be honest I have kind of forgotten what they said...
I'll check my notes, but I know I was so excited to go out and work. So we went
to this couple that had a bap date that we couldn't get a hold of the past few
days, and again no one was there. It was this super big apartment building, and
I just felt that we should go up to the top of it, just to check it out. So we
did and we tried talking to this one lady, nothing. But Then I remembered
something from a talk in the MTC of asking a referral from everyone, even if
they aren't members and so I just tried it and they said yeah, go talk to that
lady, she loves learning about religions. SWEET! so we went and talked to that
one lady, who we had actually talked to before when she was buying something
from a tindahan downstairs. We tried to talk to her, but she wasn't interested
and busy, and then this guy walked up the stairs, June is his name, and we
talked to him, and after a little persistence, he listened to us.
June is probably one of the favorite people I have ever just talked to, and
so interested, kind of haha. He was asking a lot of questions that didn't really
matter, and so we started asking him questions, and he started thinking a little
more. (My favorite part is that he kept saying sir over and over to me haha) and
then we were able to talk about the restoration, and he was very intrigued. When
we got to the First Vision, we had him read what happened, and when he read, it
was so sincere, so slow, and he stopped and looked up like, 'This really
happened?!' and we scheduled a time to come back the next day. Then we came the
next day, and we get taken to this other apartment, where he is waiting for us
and has a table with 3 chairs and the two pamphlets we gave him and had just a
great lesson with him. I don't know if I have ever found someone so
Sorry that was so long but I just thought it was the coolest story, like
stories I always hear about but never happen to me, well guess what, it does
happen! It was awesome, and we found other people that were really cool as well,
and I am kind of sad that I won't be able to see them, but I am so glad that I
got to be a part of it.
The one thing that we ran into a lot this week was meeting people that are
just so content with being confused. I think that is the best way to sum it all
up. We talked to so many people this week, that just said it doesn't matter what
religion you belong to, as long as you believe in God. But they don't know why
there are so many churches on the earth. They don't understand how to know, and
don't understand what they don't know, what they are missing from that belief.
It drove me crazy all week, and it was like person after person. I seriously
know that there can only be one true church. Other wise there would be no point
of the apostles back in the day. This belief that it doesn't matter is not true,
and is widespread because it is a comfortable belief, it doesn't require people
to change. But the truth is, Jesus Christ expects us to change for what he did,
because he did it for us to change.
I hope everyone has a great week! I will update you on the new area next
week! Thank you for all of your support!
-Elder Rock
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Happy fourth of July everybody!
I hope everyone had a great fourth of July, even though the Philippines
doesn't really do anything special, we still had a great day, and even got some
pizza so it was worth skipping out on the fireworks and BBQ from the Shiled's...
kind of haha.
And of course, Happy Birthday to Rachel! You're getting so old!! But glad
to hear you had a great birthday!
Our week was really cool this week, we are going to have a baptism next
saturday and we are so excited! He is 15 and is so great! His mom is a member as
well but less active, so hopefully his activity and example will help her come
back as well and have her whole family be able to be stronger as a result. He
started going to seminary with his cousin and is coming to all the activities,
and is really excited to be baptized, he is going to have his cousin baptize
him, which will be so great for the both of them, and a great example to the
other youth in the ward, so it's an awesome ripple effect that will
We also taught another investigator and her husband who are both really
cool, and both kind of young, 23 and 27, and have two kids. They are kind of
getting started in their careers and the wife is really interested in finding
out on her own if everything is true, and read the pamphlet we gave her. We
actually contacted them awhile back but we always busy and one day we tried and
she let us in right away. So after we gave them a Book of Mormon to read we also
gave them a baptismal date, which I am still kind nervous to do, especially to
guys, because they seem to be less interested, because they work and such. But
both of them accepted the date, and the husband, Francis, seemed really excited.
The only thing is going to be getting them to attend church because they work a
lot. But I totally know that there will be a way for them.
Our ward mission leader's son returned home from his mission this week, and
it was really cool to see a returned missionary, and hear his testimony
yesterday. It makes me think what I want to talk about when I get home, but also
how I really don't want to go home. I can't believe I said that ha, but it goes
by so fast. I seriously did not believe it, but the other day in a lesson they
asked me how long I have been here, and usually I say 6 months, but it's not
anymore, it's 9, and going on 10 soon. I hated saying that, because then they
are like, "Oh malapit na!" (Or close now, to going home) and I feel like I just
got here. Especially with being able to teach and understand way better now, I
feel jipped or I'm jipping the Lord. So it just reminds me to keep working
This sunday in Gospel Principals we talked about Sacrifice and I realized
that sacrifice really is a huge part in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sacrifice
shows our faith, and shows how much we love the Lord. When Jesus Christ tells
the rich man to give up all he had, he couldn't do it. He didn't have trust in
the Lord, and he didn't truly love him. Peter kept going back to fishing, and
Jesus asks three times, "do you love me" and Peter is freaking out saying yes.
But you can't just say it, you got to show it. Give it up. And sacrifice is
never easy, otherwise it isn't really sacrifice.
Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son, which Abraham was wishing and
hoping for, for such a long time, and then the Lord asks him to give him up, to
kill his own son! But he did it, He showed that he loved the Lord more than
anything else. I'm sure it wasn't easy, but the Lord honored his promise to
Abraham, and he didn't end up giving up his son.
Another quick thing, Elder Lang Siu read the story of Joseph in Egypt and
shared it in a companion study, and I really am just amazed at that example. He
never faltered in his Faith. He was rejected by his own brothers, and then he
goes on to be framed and put in jail, but because he never faltered, he was
rewarded even greater. We sometimes forget that we will be rewarded, and we
can't comprehend how much. I'm sure that he never thought he would become so
high up, so trusted by the pharaoh.
I hope everyone has a great week, and shares the gospel with a
-Elder Rock
Monday, June 30, 2014
Hello Everyone!
This week was another week here in Baesa. I think I mentioned it last
email, but if not, we moved apartments, well switched apartments, with the
sister missionaries in our district. So we live in their area, and they live in
our area, and that means we have to take a 15 minute jeepney ride to get to our
area. 15 minutes doesn't sound that bad, but one you have to get on a jeepney,
and usually they are full at that time, and there is traffic, so sometimes it
just adds up. Plus at night everyone is going home, so there are almost no
jeepneys, it takes 15 minutes just to wait for one. So that was frustrating
getting used to, and kind of wasting our time, but we keep on going. The new
house is pretty nice so at least there's that.
This week was kind of challenging because the investigators we had been
focusing on weren't keeping their commitments, and it gets kind of hard to teach
when they haven't done anything we invite them to do, because they don't really
show that they think it is important, or they don't understand how important is.
We can't really convert people, they have to do that part on their own, which is
kind of frustrating for me sometimes, because I know how important it is, so why
can't they just see that? So that was kind of hard, I always think about what I
could do for them, how I could help them better, but ultimately, it is always up
to them. It is just sad sometimes, and I want to get discouraged sometimes, but
maybe it just isn't their time yet, even though it would be so great to see them
embrace the gospel in their lives.
The other challenge we are facing in this area is the many less active
members we have here, and so many of them we are discovering have been offended
by other people of the church. That is seriously the hardest thing for people to
overcome here, and the thing they don't understand is that people are not
perfect. The church is truly perfect in it's organization, but Heavenly Father
works through imperfect people, and as Jeffrey R. Holland said "That must be
terribly frustrating to Him, but He deals with it. So should we." (Jeffrey R.
Holland is the man) I truly sympathize with the people that have been offended,
but they don't seem to understand is that people don't even mean to say anything
to offend them. We are the ones that ultimately choose to be offended by
someone. But the other thing, is as members, we need to evaluate ourselves, and
do the best we can to always welcome people. Some people, especially ones coming
back to activity or new converts, feel out of place, so when we notice new
people, we should reach out to them, and show them that we really care for them.
Take the time to see who might be feeling a little awkward or out of place and
help them out.
I have been reflecting a lot on the challenges in the area, especially with
baptisms. I was thinking about a simple solution, and then bam! We realized that
a teenager we had taught once was going to seminary with his friends, and had
been to church a while now! We had been trying to teach him with his mom, who is
a less active member, and she had been canceling on us. So we just decided to
teach him after seminary! BOOM, simple. So that is something really exciting,
being able to help the area, but there is seriously so much work to do. There
are SO MANY PEOPLE! They need to know what we know, and ulit, the members are
the key to the work. I just can't stress that enough.
And just a cool little side note, we got a new investigator who lived in
Washington state, and then in florida, and now here, and only speaks english, so
that should be interesting. It was so weird talking to her in english. I talk to
other missionaries fine in english, but when it comes to getting to know
someone, asking them questions and things like that, I have no idea what to say,
because Tagalog is so different and there is a different way to be polite which
is so much easier than english. I can just ask any person on the street if they
are married, how many kids, how old they are, where they live, ect. without
being rude. It's the best, but in english, hindi pwede! It's annoying ha!
I hope everyone has a great week! Thank you for all of your support!
-Elder Rock
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Kumusta po kayo sa inyo lahat!
This week was so incredibly long, and so tough, but I can say I have
learned so much. This week I experienced more negative things against the church
more than maybe my whole mission up to this point combined. And I was so drained
at the end of each day, but as I was just thinking about it this week It just
strengthened my testimony to how true this is. How every question can be
resolved through the gospel, and how much comfort this gospel brings.
We taught a lot of great spiritual lessons this week. Me and Elder Lang Siu
get along so well, and both really enjoy the new 7-11 that got put it haha, and
are trying to rely more on the holy ghost in lessons. This last week we had
someone tell us that the Book of Mormon is not true, and listed this and that
why it isn't. I was really nervous what to say, and I just felt complete peace
as I answered back, testifying of it being true. And to be completely honest, it
just makes sense that it is.With so many religions people really want to know
which is true. And instead of listing of this scripture and this scripture
proves this and that, the most powerful answer anyone can receieve, more
powerful than seeing an angel, is from the Holy Ghost telling you, and I know
that if anyone reads the Book of Mormon that wants to know if it is true can
receive that witness. I know with all my heart.
We taught one lesson with a less active member, who was going to go on a
mission about 11 years ago when he was younger, but didn't for some reasons, and
now felt that he couldn't come back at this time. We have been teaching his non
member wife, and she wants to come to church, but he doesn't feel 'worthy' to
go, he has a lot of guilt. But he said that he will eventually come back. My
heart cringed for this man, because he is carrying around so much sorrow, and is
waiting. We told him, WHY WAIT? He is always going to have it, so why not just
start now, and use the atonement. Jesus Christ atoned for all of us, and if we
don't repent and come back, why did he do it? We don't have to have so much
guilt and sorrow burden us. It was such a powerful lesson, and words just
starting filling my mouth, and I felt that we should offer to give him a
blessing and he accepted. I gave the blessing and I have always been terrified
to give one in Tagalog. I have given one, but others in english because they
could understand, but I did it in all tagalog and it was so neat. I know that he
felt the spirit, and felt Heavenly Father's love.
I also wanted to talk about Faith. Faith is the first principle of the
gospel. We need faith in Jesus Christ. But we cannot just believe. We cannot
just say we believe, say we love him, and expect that will be enough. If we
truly had faith, we would act. We would show our faith, if it was a true belief.
"Faith without works is dead" Oh how true that is. We have to act in
order to grow and progress on our mortal journey here on earth. I don't really
understand what our purpose on this life would be if we only did need to
believe. We wouldn't progress nearly as much, if at all progress, with out
works. We are not rewarded for our works alone, we don't do just do things to
get credit. True faith means works come as a consequence because of a true,
sincere desire to serve and love the Lord. I know that is true.
I know as well that Satan is a real being, and my thoughts have been so
concerned for the youth. The world is so wicked. I am so grateful to be a
missionary and be able to be away from everything. I am just in a little bubble
and am shocked when I am exposed to the wickedness of the world. The youth are
exposed even more, and it is getting harder and harder to protect them, but they
have a personal responsibility. They need to find out that this is true, and
when they do, they need to live the gospel. They have to show their faith, and
keep the commandments, that includes the For the Strength of Youth
pamphlet and following all the standards there. I loved Elder Robert D.
Hale's talk, about picking and choosing which commandments we obey. We cannot do
that! We believe that we have a living prophet, and this is what they are
saying. Think of olden times when the prophets gave commandments and the people
rejected, and what happened. They are there to help us I know it, and I know by
heeding the counsel of a true and living prophet, we can be guided and receive
help and comfort.
To end, I know that this church is true. I know that "God will not do
anything, save he revealeth his secrets unto his servants, the prophets" and
that the same church that Jesus Christ established is back. Jesus Christ
established a church for the us, to help us, because we need help. I know that
the Book of Mormon is true, and I know everyone can know it is true. And I know
that the atonement of Jesus Christ is for everyone, but we have to put effort on
our part. And I know that we are all children of our Heavenly Father and he
loves us and has given us so much to better feel his love. He has given us a
plan that if we follow, we have his promise he will help us in all things. And I
want to leave this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
I hope everyone has a great week! and has another great one! Good luck to
my mom going to Yosemite! I still don't know how that really happened! Way to go
-Elder Rock
(And based on no one liking the Heat here anymore, I guess the Spurs won!
All the filipinos are on the spurs' bandwagon haha)
Monday, June 16, 2014
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Magandang Umaga sa inyo lahat!
This week was another great one, it was kind of hard to adjust back to
having 2 missionaries, and some of our investigators were a little weirded out
there was 2 of us because they met us when we were 3, so they didn't know that
there is usually just 2 haha. But teaching is way smoother with just 2 people, I
love it way more. The hard thing is that both me and Elder Lang Siu are not
great at Tagalog, so it makes us really rely on the members. Elder Lang Siu is
pretty good, he has been out for 11 months now, so he can understand a lot, but
speaking is still hard, and for me I can speak faster, but about the same level.
But this week actually was pretty smooth, and we taught some really neat
One lesson I learned this week was the importance of the area book, and how
the Lord really does prepare people. We were kind of running out of
investigators because either they weren't progressing or they got baptized, so
we went to the area book and I saw some people that seemed so awesome and the
only reason the missionaries stopped going was because the people were too busy
or they were on vacation, so we tried to contact as many as we could, and we
found one lady, Joanne, who is 23 and her sister in law is a member, who is
really awesome. So we went and she let us in and was so excited we were there,
she had been in Bicol, (legaspi mission) and had the missionaries over there
teach her, the only problems is that she isn't actually married, which is such a
common problem. It was so awesome getting to know her and she knew so much,
usually people forget but she basically taught us everything about the
restoration and why it is so important and how she knows it's true. She just
hasn't come to church because she feels guilty about not being married, but we
just told her it's not a problem, and she kind of got teary eyed and she
committed to come, and she wants to get married so she can get baptized. How
awesome is that!
The other thing I did this week was pray for spiritual experiences. I was
kind of feeling that missionary life was just getting into a routine, which it
kind of is, but I was losing the power of it, and so I prayed to have spiritual
experiences, and it helped so much, because I was actively seeking them. In a
lesson I looked for the Holy Ghost a lot more, and it helped me realize the
things that I was doing. I was always trying to have a spiritual experience so I
would try to make it more spiritual. We taught this one lady who we have always
passed by and said hi to and we have asked to teach her and she said sure but we
never really followed up because she is pretty solid in another religion, called
7th Day Adventist, I'm not really sure what they believe but I know they do the
sabbath day on saturday, hence there name. But anyway we taught her and I gave
her this list of questions to pick from (I made this list of questions from PMG,
called Questions of the soul, and laminated it and have people I talk to pick
one sometimes. Another elder did it and it is pretty effective, because you get
to figure out what they want to learn)
So she picked how to make her family stronger and as we started talking to
her at the beginning, just getting to know her, she was just not super
interested, and then she started changing and then opened up and we didn't bring
up the question that she picked, just getting to know her, but she brought it up
and started just opening up to us. It was so awesome. I can't wait to go
The thing I realized this week, was that spiritual experiences are always
there, we just have to look for them. I think it was Henry B. Eyring that gave a
talk, so long ago, but I think he made like a journal and every night he would
write in it specifically for blessings he received that day. I think it was like
that, but by doing so he realized how much that the Lord blessed him. It really
depends on our perspective.
I'm loving it here, as always, it's so awesome. I always want to write
funny things that happened to me, but always forget ha. One thing I do remember
is that a member who lives across the street from a church said that he heard
them singing songs from the Hymn book, but they sang 'Praise To The Man' haha.
One thing is it's harder for me to understand English when Filipinos speak it,
because sometimes they pronounce it so different. Example, my ward mission
leader was saying that he like the ookla college basketball team, pronounce like
ookla or ukla. I could not figure out what he was talking about, maybe oklahoma?
but he was saying Ukla, and I asked him to spell it, and he says UCLA hahaha, so
UCLA is Ukla ha. The other word was raw. A couple was telling us about some kind
of fruit and in tagalog said it wasn't ripe yet, or still raw. And so I asked
what that meant and they said row after thinking for awhile. Me and my companion
were so confused, we thought they were talking about fruit and then they say row
like rowing a boat, haha, and then we asked them to spell it (I should do that a
lot sooner) and they spelled it, raw. Haha, still raw or not ripe.
Maybe those aren't that funny, but to me, so funny. I hope everyone has a
great week!
-Elder Rock
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Hello Everyone!
This week was awesome! for starters we had the baptism for Perla, who was
the one that had been an investigator for about 2 years, and was having a hard
time giving up smoking, and she did it! She gave it up, and was baptized, it was
so awesome! A lot of the ward came out as well to welcome her and I knew she
felt the spirit at her baptism, it was awesome. So that was definitely a
Another thing that was really cool was a dinner appointment we had with the
former bishop of the ward. It was actually kind of weird because we wanted to do
a little activity to invite them to refer a friend to the missionaries, and the
bishop just said, oh I already know it, so my wife will just do it.. and he
talks kind of loud for filipinos and really fast, so he kind of scares me, so I
was just like, okay.. and so the wife did it, and then the bishop really did
know it, I thought he was bluffing, and so he ended up just talking about his
mission and a bunch of other stuff, and we never got to finish the activity
haha. But, it was okay, because he talked on some really cool points. He said
that when he visits people, he tells them that he is there because he loves them
and they are his brothers and sisters, and no other reason. I thought that was
super cool because it is so true that we as missionaries don't visit people for
any other reason than because we love them and want to help them. We don't get a
prize or anything if they listen to us or read. We only do it because we love
The other thing he said which maybe people already know, but I thought it
was super clever, was he said that Faith Allows Impossible Things to Happen, And
I just thought it was an awesome acronym. It was an awesome visit, and I learned
so much from it, even though it didn't all go according to the plan.
This week I have been really trying to focus more on the spirit as Elder
Christensen taught us last week and it was pretty cool experience, because I
prayed each morning to really focus on my actions and think about what I am
doing, and try to feel the Holy Ghost more, and it was really cool. Before I did
stuff I would get a thought that maybe I shouldn't or do it another way, and
really control myself. It was awesome, and in lessons I really tried to focus
more on what I should say, instead of what I wanted to say, and I feel like they
were better able to understand. I am still learning a lot, and trying to get the
hang of it, and really learn to rely on it, But it is really amazing at how much
the Holy Ghost can help.
The Philippines finally got the May Liahonna on sunday, (And the June
edition, how does that work?) And I read Elder Robert D. Hales because I
remember it was kind of hard to understand him, so I really wanted to read his
talk and get more out of it, and I thought it was so awesome. I think it applies
so well to everyone, and how sometimes we really do just pick commandments we
want to follow, and commandments we don't want to follow, while still professing
that we love God. If we love Him, we will obey all of His commandments, not just
some. And I realized that for our investigators, we need to focus things more on
commandments, versus anything us, and if we really love God, we will go to
church, because that is the hardest thing for people here. And some people show
so much faith in going, like this one man who had a stroke, and walks so slow,
is probably 60 and walks to church every sunday, and even goes to the institute
(I think it's institute) on saturday evenings. Where as others don't go and they
are upset they have trials. We really have to show our love by willingly going
to church, and show our faith.
I hope everyone had a good week. I will be here in Baesa for another 6
weeks! It's going to be a good transfer!
-Elder Rock
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Hello everyone!
This week was so awesome! I don't know where to start, but I guess on one
of the highligts. We had a wedding and then a baptism for one of our
investigators, and it was so awesome! She has been ready for baptism for quite
awhile now, just needed to get married, and was waiting because her dad was in
Visayas on work, and we challenged them to pray for him to find a way to come
back early, and then Boom, he was able to! But the stake president went out of
town so no one had a license to marry them, so we prayed so hard to find
someone, and nothing was working, until wednesday they found someone! So we had
the wedding and the ward was so awesome in helping out, and we had a sweet
wedding and a sweet baptism. Her husband is a member, so the next step is Temple
Sealing! Can't wait to go to that next year!
The other cool thing was our mission had an emergency/ last minute mission
conference because Elder Craig C. Christensen (talk about a lot of C's) of the
presidency of the 70 was here and he gave a sweet devotional to all of us in our
mission. It was so cool. He did a really cool thing about the Holy Ghost. One
thing he said is that the Holy Ghost is our constant companion, but that doesn't
mean we will be able to feel him all the time. If we were able to feel him all
the time, it would be as if we couldn't. A friend of mine actually told me
something similar, of a fish in water, it is the last to know it's wet. The same
with us and the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the ultimate teacher, and when we
feel the Holy Ghost, it is more powerful than being visited by angels. And when
we feel the Holy Ghost, that is when we learn, and when it withdraws, that is
when we learn as well, because we can realize that we are not feeling it, and
try to get it back, growing in the process, the Holy Ghost always teaching us.
He also did a question and answer thing, and he could just answer each question
so powerfully and you could tell he really follows the spirit, it was such a
neat event.
This week was just awesome, we had a lot of new investigators that I am
really excited for, and we also got a referral for a whole family of 7, and they
are just so awesome. I will cry if I get transferred because I just know they
are going to be baptized and I hope so bad I will be a part of it, but if not I
will hopefully be able to visit and see it. They are so awesome, and the mom is
48 and had a stroke, so it is hard for her to walk, but she still attended
church this week. That was a huge example to me, especially for all the less
actives that have excuses for not going to church. All it takes is faith.
Today was also a great day because we were able to through the temple, I
love the temple so much, and just know so well that this church is true. My
testimony was strengthened so much this week. Like, it just makes sense. I don't
know how anyone could seriously investigate the church and not see that this is
true. And I know with all my heart that the Holy Ghost can and will testify of
the truth to anyone that earnestly seeks for it. It's that simple. I wish more
people would try.
Another cool thing was that we had zone
conference last week as well and there was this awesome workshop on one of
Jeffrey R. Holland's talk he gave in the MTC, it was so crazy good. Then
yesterday president did a thing on it, president Revillo is just so inspired.
But the talk was about when after Jesus Christ's death the apostles just went
back to fishing (he gave a gen con talk after he gave this talk about the same
topic) and how Jesus asked 'do you love me' 3 times to Peter. And you know, if
jesus asked once you would be a little like, yeah I do, and if he asked again
you would get a little nervous, and if he asked 3 times you would just be
freaking out. But what he was saying is, if you love me, why are you here, doing
the same thing that you were doing before. So for us as missionaries we can't
just serve a mission and go back to what we were doing before. We need to
change, and it can really apply to everyone, we need to always change, and can't
just go back to doing the same old things we have been doing. Especially if we
want to be able to say that we love the Lord. change is so good, and at the same
time, SO HARD. We sometimes are like Peter, when he walked on water, he was so
pumped to walk on water and did, and then it got a little scary and he fell. But
he was picked up, the same can be with all of us, I know it.
I hope
everyone had a great week! Congratulations to Lauren on her engagement! Hope
everyone shares the gospel this week! I will!!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Magandang umaga sa lahat,
This week was fast, again. I think I should just stop saying that but it is
crazy how fast things are going right now. Not only fast, but HOT. It's
ridiculous how hot it is, and even at night it's still hot. I'm thankful for the
fans we have, but I'm wishing for some Aircon right about now. But it's going to
be raining season soon daw, we will see if that cools it down at all, or if it
will just be wet and hot ha.
This week was actually one of the toughest weeks teaching wise, because we
got punted almost everyday, all day. (punted is what we say when appointments
fall through). So we started off the week okay, and decided we needed to plan a
little better, so we had these great planning sessions, and then it seemed like
everything fell through even more. We were so confused, and I wanted to get so
discouraged, and was kind of beating myself up, like what was I doing wrong. I
think we can always do better, but I was really trying my best. And I remember
one elder that I went on exchanges said, 'you know, sometimes you just got to
laugh and keep trying your best, instead of getting sad and discouraged.'
Because we were trying, and we had such solid plans, and there were seriously
the craziest reasons why people canceled on us. Even for Elder Lang Siu's
birthday, as we were walking to the dinner appointment we had lined up, they
texted and had to cancel. So we just laughed and chose to put a smile on, and
tried our best the next day.
It was a hard week. And the other night I was so disappointed and was
thinking, and thought of the talk by Elder Uchtdorf about being grateful, and
decided that in my nightly prayer I was only going to give thanks and not ask
for things. It was kind of hard, but I thanked him for the trials and that lead
me to thank him for the things that I learned, and I realized even more the
things that I learned. It was so awesome. So I'm not just complaining that we
had a tough week, but I'm saying that we had a tough week, and because of this
tough week, I learned so much. And it is totally based on your attitude. If we
just complain that we have problems and we aren't being helped, we will be so
focused on what we don't have that we will forget what we do. One thing we need
to be is Humble. I read the other day that if we aren't humble, we won't be able
to see the many blessings that have been given to us. Another is Faith. Faith
that things will work out, as we strive to obey and keep the commandments.
I have seen first hand the difference between not keeping the commandments
and keeping the commandments, centering a home around the gospel of Jesus
Christ. Members that have so little that center their home around gospel
teaching and principles are so much happier and so much more able to endure the
storms of life compared to those that don't. There is so much to talk about
Faith, but the thing I like to focus on is having faith leads to action. If we
have faith we will be inspired to act, and constantly change, which are the
first two principles of the gospel.
Although the week was rough, we were able to have some really good lessons,
and we are going to have a couple baptisms coming up soon, and I am so excited
for them. One is Perla, who is the one that had a hard time giving up smoking,
and she has stopped for almost a month now! We also started teaching a new
family that is a referral from a member, and they are so awesome and so excited
to learn, so hopefully all goes well with them, Referrals are seriously the
We have been trying really hard to get the ward more excited about
missionary work, and two weeks ago we had stake conference, and The topic was
missionary work. I loved what the second counselor said, I don't know if he
quoted it off someone else or what, but he said "The Lord is hastening His work,
are you" And President Revillo brought up the talk by President Uchtdorf, "Are
you Sleeping through the Restoration." I think that missionary work is being
brought up so often that the members are getting kind of tired of it, but I
think to myself, "What is it going to take?" What is it going to take for
members to realize that the Lord will help them. There are so many examples and
stories of people being successful doing missionary work. So what is it going to
take so in General Conference there are different topics. To me it takes
realization on each members part, and for them to have faith and act on it. Pray
for opportunities to share, pray to be able to see the opportunities, and then
act on them. It's time to really get the work going, and I am sure there are so
many people genuinely trying and just don't know what to do. I quote Russel M.
Nelson "Ask the Missionaries, they can help" Missionaries are there to help the
ward do missionary work, and they would be THRILLED to come over and help you
figure out how to share the gospel.
I hope everyone had a great week, And has a great week this week, I sure
-Elder Rock
PS- (just an excerpt in my letter from Nathan)- Mom, my mission is so
awesome! It's so hard sometimes but it's so cool. One thing I noticed the other
day in a meeting was how completely perfect the church is. We were all there as
District Leader's and president was sharing to us, and it was to help us help
missionaries, to help the people. He doesn't get paid for how many baptisms we
have or anything, and there is so much that goes on behind the scenes that
people just don't see. The missionary organization is so organized, the whole
church is organized, and is so amazing to me, because I don't think any other
church is even close to being as organized.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Well what a wonderful day getting to talk to my family! I hope all the mothers
out there had a great day! As President Revillo said, it's your only day off
haha. But seriously thank you for all you do, it is so much and goes too often
This week was yet another fast one. I think they are all going to be like
that now ha. I just get lost in the days, and all the sudden I'm waking up and
it's P-day and I am wondering what to write.
As I think about this week I think about improvement. Right now we have
pretty good investigators, but the the problem we are having is getting them to
continue to act on their commitments. It pains me when they don't come to church
or tell us they didn't read, because I know how much it can help them. Isn't it
weird that by reading the scriptures we will get help. Have we thought about
that before? How weird, but it seriously does. Going to church recharges us, if
we go with the right attitude, and praying everyday gives us comfort or help. I
know because I have done it, and I have seen it in my life, and in the lives of
others. The gospel is amazing. But why does it help us so much? I was thinking
the other day, "you know, I tell people the gospel will help them a lot, what is
the real reason"; well the truth is there is a lot of reasons, but one thing I
love about the gospel is the ability to constantly improve. The gospel is
It applies to me a lot, because especially this week, I tend to get
comfortable. I might just go through the motions of missionary work, and that
just cannot happen. But to all of us it can't happen. I've noticed that
President Uchtdorf puts a huge a emphasis on that, just going through the
motions, and it takes an honest heart to look at ourselves and see what we can
improve on. One day I was just upset about something and wondering why things
weren't going smooth, and what popped into my mind was being grateful. I thought
of all the stuff that I had been helped with, and how petty I was being, being
ungrateful. I had received so much and needed to humble myself a little. I was
getting a little too comfortable with the way things were going, and was
forgetting to ask myself how I could do better.
I think maybe President Monson used this example, but when we look at the
Israelites being lead by Moses in the wilderness, don't we just get frustrated
with the fact that they were just walking around for 40 years because they were
unwilling to keep the commandments. They were not only to not keep the
commandments, they were unwilling to change. Time and time again they reverted
back to their old ways, the natural man kept coming out, they didn't constantly
try to suppress it. I hate the Natural man so much. We all want to become
Christlike, but as President Uchtdorf says, "we also want to give the guy that
cuts us off in traffic a piece of our mind". We look at the Israelits and get
frustrated, but what if in 1000 years people looked back on our lives, would
they be frustrated with us? For me I too often forget to improve myself and that
is so critical to the gospel. There are so many principles to the gospel, and it
is a lifetime effort that we must have to constantly apply them, and live them.
The gospel is seriously a guide for each and every one of us, and it takes daily
There is heaps (That's my Australian companion rubbing off on me ha) of
room for improvement for me, and I think this last week was somewhat of a wake
up call to me, to get going. I feel like I have had a lot of those, but it is so
great because that's how we learn. We are not perfect, and the gospel gives us
that chance to change, through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The atonement is
so powerful and so uncomprehendable, but it is so amazing. I hope everyone can
better understand it, and find ways to improve their selves to better understand
the atonement, and receive the blessings of peace and comfort that come from
doing so.
Some fun stuff about the Philippines. First off, I love the Philippines, I
hope everyone knows that, it is so awesome, but so hard to describe. The people
here are, for the most part, so loving and humble, and sweet. I have never met a
nicer group of people than here, just EVERYONE is so nice, and despite their
poor circumstances, they are able to have so much fun.
So Haircuts are awesome, you can go to a barber shop and get a haircut for
40 pesos, which is about .90 cents. How sweet is that! Driving here is pretty
insane, I've already talked about it I'm sure, but there are no lanes to the
drivers. Even if there are 4 lanes painted, there will be 6 lanes of cars, and
everyone is switching back and forth, with motorcycles and scooters going in
between haha. I love it ha. Another thing is people will just say "Kain!" like
"Eat!" if you pass by there house. It's a sign of respect or courtesy, but I
actually don't know what would happen if I said okay and tried to eat with them,
I don't have the guts to try in case the food is not to my liking haha.
The food here is usually rice and toppings, And me and my australian comp
like to go out to eat when we can, but our Filipino companion will end up
ordering rice and chicken from McDonalds or Anywhere else haha- it just defeats
the purpose of going there. I remember one time he hadn't eaten rice in about a
day and a half and was going through withdrawls haha- He didn't think it was
very funny when we told him that's part of the word of wisdom haha.
Another funny thing is that the most random people will walk around with
the most random things to sell, in the most random places. I saw one guy walking
around with a display of super glue he was trying to sell on the streets...
Another one you get a lot are people walking around with plastic furniture, like
dressers... And they just shout "Dressers!" in Tagalog hoping someone will run
outside so thankful that the dresserman is there today haha. Don't worry they
have ice cream men too.
I hope everyone has a great week! I know I will, And I wish everyone a
happy mother's day again!
-Elder Rock
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